Graston IASTM Therapy

Reduce Pain and Increase Body Function

What is Graston (IASTM) Therapy?

The Graston Therapy is a form of manual therapy known as soft-tissue instrument-assisted mobilisation. It is one of a number of manual therapy approaches that uses instruments with a specialised form of massage/scraping the skin gently.



Most of the back is comprised of muscles, fascia, ligaments, and tendons. Injuries to these soft tissues play a significant role in the pain and dysfunction associated with back problems. While it may not sound like a serious injury, a simple back muscle strain or torn ligament in the back can cause excruciating pain and difficulty with movement.

Chronic Back Pain

Back pains can arise abruptly as a result of an accident or by lifting something heavy . It can also develop over time due to age-related changes of the spine. Hijama/ Cupping has proven to relive chronic back pains by vessels in the back and re-initiating oxygenating blood flow.

Full Body Detox

Cupping removes toxins and improves blood flow through the veins and arteries. Cupping’s detoxifying effect on skin and circulatory system is also significant, with a visible improvement in skin colour within three treatments.

Fertility Treatment

Cupping is the ideal treatment for female fertility related complications. Hijama/ Cupping removes stagnant blood allowing the body to make a greater supply for fresh oxygenated blood which in turn improves the circulation in the reproductive area.

Knee Pain

Torn a ligament in your knee? Wet hijama cupping is the perfect remedy to ease any tissue, tendons or muscular issues in the body

Combine Other Therapies

All our alternative therapies go hand-in-hand, you can therefore combine any of our therapies to achieve maximum results

Instruments effectively break down fascial restrictions and scar tissue. The ergonomic design of these instruments provides the clinician with the ability to locate restrictions and allows the clinician to treat the affected area with the appropriate amount of pressure.

There are 6 core tools used in Graston Technique. These tools are made of stainless steel and are concave and convex-shaped. They have rounded edges and are not sharp. The instruments are used to scan over and detect areas of injured fibrotic tissue. The process is designed to both identify the injured areas and provide needed treatment to them.
Using a cross-friction massage, which involves brushing or rubbing against the grain of the scar tissue, the practitioner re-introduces small amounts of trauma to the affected area. In some cases, this process temporarily causes inflammation in the area, which in turn increases the rate and amount of blood flow in and around the area. The theory is that this process helps initiate and promote the healing process of the affected soft tissues.

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