CQC Liability Insurance Supporting Information Form

Our guidance on meeting Regulation 13 (Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009) states that:

  • The provider must have the financial resources needed to provide and continue to provide the services as described in the statement of purpose to the required standards.
  • The provider must have insurance and suitable indemnity arrangements to cover potential liabilities arising from death, injury, or other causes, loss or damage to property, and other financial risks.

To help us assess that you will be able to comply with relevant regulations and sections of the Act if we grant your application, we require evidence of your public and employer liability insurance cover. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have in place suitable insurance and indemnity arrangements relevant to your service (e.g. for premises, equipment, vehicles, other financial risk, etc.). We may ask for evidence of other insurance and/or suitable indemnity arrangements if we feel it is required for our assessment.

Section 1. Confirmation and evidence of liability insurance cover

Please tick to confirm that arrangements are in place to ensure you will have appropriate public and employer liability insurance cover once your application is granted and indicate the type of evidence of each insurance cover currently available. We accept that prior to registration being granted evidence may be in the form of a quote for insurance cover.

1.1 Employer Liability InsuranceDetails
Insurance arrangements made?☒ Yes ☐ No
Type of evidence available☐ Insurance Quote*
☒ Certificate of insurance
*If you only have a quote available at present, you must complete this section: 
I confirm that if my application is granted, I will take out employer liability insurance☒ Yes ☐ No

1.2 Public Liability InsuranceDetails
Insurance arrangements made?☒ Yes ☐ No
Type of evidence available☐ Insurance Quote*
☒ Certificate of insurance
*If you only have a quote available at present, you must complete this section: 
I confirm that if my application is granted, I will take out public liability insurance☒ Yes ☐ No

Section 2. Other Information

Please use this space if you need to tell us anything else about your insurance cover or about any alternative arrangements for covering potential liabilities.

My insurance is in the name of my Brand “The Cupping Clinic” and not the company name “Aadam and Co Limited”.

Name of person completing form:Muhammad Jameel Clemmett-Patel
Role in organisation:Company Director


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